Success doesn’t always come easy and without failure. In this week’s “If At First” Emily tells us...
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Freedom of the press. It’s a term we often hear. And we probably think it just applies to...
Freedom of the press is a big concern for students. “If at First” covers bubble wrap. How to start...
March 14 is National Pi Day, Mason explains why.
Our top story is sponsored by the NRSF, an organization that encourages safe driving. And they’ve...
We’ll go behind the scenes with some teens as they work on their PSAs for the annual Drive Safe...
Reese tells us about the unique way the inventor of Pringles chips insisted on being buried.
Squeezing the juice out of a lemon can sometimes be a bit tough. Well Katie is back in the kitchen...
It’s part of Italy – and yet it’s its own world. It even has its own language. Ava shows us that...
You might be surprised to find out that something teens do pretty regularly kills more people than...
In “If At First You Don’t Succeed” Emily tells us how Katy Perry grew up and into her success as a...
Brendan tells us about and “expensive” planet. 55 Canri-e is more than two times larger than Earth...
Alexandra reports on another way that the organization Oceana is on the front line in the battle...
Oceana is on the front line in the battle against plastic pollution in our oceans. The invention...
Hair Matters: Protecting Our Waterways From Oil Spills
Ava reports on the environmental dangers posed by oil leaking from ships, drilling platforms and...
A report on the environmental dangers posed by oil. Abraham Lincoln faced numerous failures during...
Details on how teens across the country can enter the annual Drive 2 Life PSA contest, sponsored by...
AP exams are changing. The annual Drive 2 Life PSA contest. Why your fingernails may look longer...
Movies like Jaws and the Meg make sharks look like bloodthirsty predators constantly on the hunt...
Sharks are getting a bad rap. How Beyonce didn’t let initial failures stop her. Molten rain and...
The National Road Safety Foundation wants passengers in vehicles to remember that they have a...
Ava is back with another Seeing Sicily report, except this one should be called Tasting Sicily as...
It’s been said that one picture is worth a thousand words. For this next report, we want to change...
A teen who’s made it his artistic mission to save our salmon! Author Stephen King. How to write a...
While very well known for his amazing “I Have a Dream” speech, most people don’t know that public...
We typically look at color as a design element or a way to distinguish objects. But as Ava tells...
Peter has some good news about chocolate and tooth decay.
Thomas Edison is our first profile of an individual who didn’t let failure stop them.
After the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, the third most important document...
The Bill of Rights and your first amendment rights. Martin Luther King Jr. A tour of Sicily. Cows...
The world’s oceans are so vast and incredibly powerful, it’s hard to imagine that they need our...
The world’s oceans are vast and powerful, but they need our help. The author of Peter Pan. The...
Carley Knobloch is back with a last minute Holiday gadget guide.
T-shirts are big business... and while that’s great news for the fashion industry, as Alexandra...
Mario Armstrong is back with what’s hot this holiday season.
T-shirt's are great, but bad news for the environment. Albert Einstein's important failures. The...
Whether from drinking alcohol or using any type of drugs, driving “under the influence” is...
If you have a techie on your holiday shopping list, Mario Armstrong has some ideas.
Adriana Zhang saw a need in her community and created an organization to help fulfill it. The...