Freedom of the press is a big concern for students. “If at First” covers bubble wrap. How to start building your resume. Protect yourself from identity theft. The “Mona Lisa" of American coins. Real...
Category - Full Shows
We’ll go behind the scenes with some teens as they work on their PSAs for the annual Drive Safe Chicago PSA contest. A Kitchen Tip that will make peeling garlic easier. March 14 is National Pi Day...
Oceana is on the front line in the battle against plastic pollution in our oceans. The invention (and naming) of WD 40! How to write the dreaded college admissions essay. An unusual hotel in Idaho...
A report on the environmental dangers posed by oil. Abraham Lincoln faced numerous failures during his early life. Why Hawaiian pizza isn’t from Hawaii. Fascinating mosaics from the days of the Roman...
AP exams are changing. The annual Drive 2 Life PSA contest. Why your fingernails may look longer. Lady Gaga’s initial failures didn’t hold her back. Favorite instruments to learn how to play. How to...
Sharks are getting a bad rap. How Beyonce didn’t let initial failures stop her. Molten rain and life on other planets. The deadliest creature on Earth. See ancient Greek ruins... in Sicily! Also...
A teen who’s made it his artistic mission to save our salmon! Author Stephen King. How to write a killer essay. Tasting the foods of Sicily. How the funny bone got its name.
The Bill of Rights and your first amendment rights. Martin Luther King Jr. A tour of Sicily. Cows listen to classical music!
The world’s oceans are vast and powerful, but they need our help. The author of Peter Pan. The benefits of learning a second language. Does the door close button in an elevator work? The U.S. Air...
T-shirt's are great, but bad news for the environment. Albert Einstein's important failures. The WWII memorial. Speeding while driving is NEVER a good idea. China's Forbidden City. A singular...
Adriana Zhang saw a need in her community and created an organization to help fulfill it. The stress many teens often face. An “expensive” planet. How Katy Perry became a pop star. So much to see in...
College admission testing and the ACT and SAT. A group of students at Hartford Connecticut’s Weaver HS create a safe driving PSA in English and Spanish. States and their official state sports.
We visit Weaver HS in Hartford, CT to record a winning PSA. The science behind eternal youth. A cure for a life-threatening illness. Advice on being a better leader. Sylvestor Stallone’s “rocky” road...
Raising awareness about human rights... especially the rights of children. Steve Jobs didn’t give up. An extraordinary jellyfish. Meet our 13 year-old “Rising Star,” Piper Connolly. The 100 Years War...
Even small changes can help save our troubled oceans. Changes to the Free Application for Student Aid. How Jim Carrey did not give up. Ketchup made from mushrooms!? How the webcam came to be!
The benefits of learning to play a musical instrument. Election Day Tuesday. A unique characteristic of clownfish. We all need to STRETCH! China’s Forbidden City. Find out if rain is going to ruin...
What is the Electoral College? How Post Its came to be. An 11 year old author. Zendaya colors! Carhenge – Nebraska’s answer to Stonehenge. Chinese Checkers is a “Misleading Moniker.”
Expert advice on what sets the S.A.T. or the A.C.T. apart. Classical music. JK Rowling. A likability tip. How to make a unique burger.
A report on YoungArts, an organization that can literally change lives. Help with schoolwork. Memorizing Pi to the 70-thousandth decimal! Also... Arabic numerals, silk in China, and American Cheese...
Why the word "democracy" is particularly important now. Walt Disney’s incredible success. Son of a Saint. Preparing for a job interview. Arabic Numerals and fun with Froot Loops.
The rights of children. Theodore Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss. Steve Jobs and stress. The NRSF sponsors and FCCLA sponsor a contest. Influences on the college experience. Fireflies or lightening...