Squeezing the juice out of a lemon can sometimes be a bit tough. Well Katie is back in the kitchen with a tip on how to make it easy!
Author - Team TKN
Launching its 21st year on the air, the Emmy award-winning, weekly half-hour program is seen across the country on more than 160 TV stations and seen around the world on the American Forces Network. In addition, educational TV channels bring TKN to districts with 10,000 schools and some 9-million students.
It’s part of Italy – and yet it’s its own world. It even has its own language. Ava shows us that there truly so much to see in Sicily.
You might be surprised to find out that something teens do pretty regularly kills more people than sharks.
In “If At First You Don’t Succeed” Emily tells us how Katy Perry grew up and into her success as a pop star.
Brendan tells us about and “expensive” planet. 55 Canri-e is more than two times larger than Earth and scientists believe a third of the planet might be a huge diamond!
Alexandra reports on another way that the organization Oceana is on the front line in the battle against plastic pollution in our oceans – getting Amazon to reduce, and hopefully eventually...
Oceana is on the front line in the battle against plastic pollution in our oceans. The invention (and naming) of WD 40! How to write the dreaded college admissions essay. An unusual hotel in Idaho...
Hair Matters: Protecting Our Waterways From Oil Spills
Ava reports on the environmental dangers posed by oil leaking from ships, drilling platforms and pipelines. Then we learn about Hair Matters, an innovative program that uses human hair and animal fur...
A report on the environmental dangers posed by oil. Abraham Lincoln faced numerous failures during his early life. Why Hawaiian pizza isn’t from Hawaii. Fascinating mosaics from the days of the Roman...
Benjamin tells us how the fear of war ended up creating a test, thousands of high school students take every year – the Advanced Placement Exam. And we find out now, AP exams are changing.