When you think of boxing, two guys standing in a ring and slugging it out is what probably comes to mind. Well, Jack’s report shows us just how wrong both those assumptions are.

This week, Katarina tells us about another unique design: Bauhaus, in her series: A Brush with Fashion.

There are some things in life that we know so well, that we could – as the saying goes – do them in our sleep. But driving is not one of them. Drowsy driving is a major cause of car crashes – especially for teens. That’s why the National Road Safety Foundation has this message.

In “Money Smarts 101” Sebastian tells us about an easy way to follow the investing rule of NOT putting all your eggs into one basket.

In “Flag Facts” this week, Eric tells us about a flag that helped unite people.

And Alexandra explains how food relates to photography.

Team TKN

Launching its 21st year on the air, the Emmy award-winning, weekly half-hour program is seen across the country on more than 160 TV stations and seen around the world on the American Forces Network. In addition, educational TV channels bring TKN to districts with 10,000 schools and some 9-million students.

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6 months ago

This JUST in...use this link to VOTE for your favorite The National Road Safety Foundation Drive Safe Chicago PSA!!! m.shortstack.page/czxW13 ... See MoreSee Less
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6 months ago

It's time to vote for your favorite The National Road Safety Foundation Drive Safe Chicago PSA! You can vote here, once per day: m.shortstack.page/czxW13 ... See MoreSee Less
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6 months ago

One of three PSAs you can vote on! All three The National Road Safety Foundation PSAs will be an upcoming show with a behind-the-scenes story about how they were made! ... See MoreSee Less
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6 months ago

One of three PSAs you can vote on! All three The National Road Safety Foundation PSAs will be an upcoming show with a behind-the-scenes story about how they were made! ... See MoreSee Less
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6 months ago

One of three PSAs you can vote on! All three @ The National Road Safety Foundation PSAs will be an upcoming show with a behind-the-scenes story about how they were made! ... See MoreSee Less
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