This Special (Emmy Award Winning!) Anniversary Show is dedicated to celebrating the start of Teen Kids News’ 20th season on the air.
Full Shows
The Bill of Rights and your first amendment rights. Martin Luther King Jr. A tour of Sicily. Cows listen to classical music!
The world’s oceans are vast and powerful, but they need our help. The author of Peter Pan. The...
T-shirt's are great, but bad news for the environment. Albert Einstein's important failures. The...
Top Stories
After the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, the third most important document in our nation’s history is the Bill of Rights.
The world’s oceans are so vast and incredibly powerful, it’s hard to imagine that they need our...
T-shirts are big business... and while that’s great news for the fashion industry, as Alexandra...
College Advice
Over the past few years there have been a number of changes in what colleges are expecting from students applying for admission. When it comes to the ACT and SAT, some of the changes are changing –...
For many teens, the difference between being able to attend college – or not – comes down to five...
If you’re planning to go to college, chances are you’ll be taking one of the standardized tests –...
National Road Safety Foundation
Whether from drinking alcohol or using any type of drugs, driving “under the influence” is dangerous. And the NRSF wants you to remember that.
We go behind the scenes with a group of students at Hartford Connecticut’s Weaver HS who got a...
We visit Weaver HS in Hartford, CT to record a winning PSA sponsored by the National Road Safety...