Alexandra reports on another way that the organization Oceana is on the front line in the battle against plastic pollution in our oceans – getting Amazon to reduce, and hopefully eventually...
Category - Top Story
Hair Matters: Protecting Our Waterways From Oil Spills
Ava reports on the environmental dangers posed by oil leaking from ships, drilling platforms and pipelines. Then we learn about Hair Matters, an innovative program that uses human hair and animal fur...
Benjamin tells us how the fear of war ended up creating a test, thousands of high school students take every year – the Advanced Placement Exam. And we find out now, AP exams are changing.
Movies like Jaws and the Meg make sharks look like bloodthirsty predators constantly on the hunt for human victims. But as you’ll see from our report, sharks are getting a bad rap.
It’s been said that one picture is worth a thousand words. For this next report, we want to change that to one picture is worth a thousand fish. Alexandra explains in her report about a teen who’s...
After the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, the third most important document in our nation’s history is the Bill of Rights.
The world’s oceans are so vast and incredibly powerful, it’s hard to imagine that they need our help. But as Alexandra tells us, they not only need our help, they need it more than ever before.
T-shirts are big business... and while that’s great news for the fashion industry, as Alexandra tells us, it’s terrible news for the environment.
Adriana Zhang saw a need in her San Francisco community and created an organization to help fulfill it.
Over the past few years there have been a number of changes in what colleges are expecting from students applying for admission. When it comes to the ACT and SAT, some of the changes are changing –...
We’ve been reporting on the need to raise awareness about human rights. Especially the rights of children. As Alexandra reports, it’s a struggle that’s run into opposition from an unlikely source.
There’s no question that our modern world depends on the oceans that cover two thirds of our planet. And yet humans are doing things that put these vast and vital waters at risk.
Learning to play a musical instrument has all kinds of benefits - from improving your memory... to improving your self-esteem.
Every four years the country talks about a college that has nothing to do with test scores and applications – the Electoral College. It’s a key part of how our democracy works, but it’s kinda...
If you’re planning to go to college, chances are you’ll be taking one of the standardized tests – either the S.A.T. or the A.C.T. But which one is better?
If you’ve ever wanted to pursue a career in the arts, you’ll want to see our three-part special report on YoungArts, an organization that can literally change lives.
It’s a word we’ve been hearing a lot about these days: democracy. Alexandra explains why it’s particularly important now.
There’s an old saying that children should be seen, but not heard. That disturbing comment traces its origin way back to the 15th century. Fortunately, a lot has changed since then.
It’s probably the biggest decision teens will make before they are adults: what path to pursue after high school. Our report presents career opportunities many teens might not be aware of.
We meet Elaina Stuppler from Portland, OR. She plays the violin, trombone, sings and she’s an award-wining composer!
We meet two members of the National Children's Chorus, Kiran from TX and Athena from CT and find out what makes it such a special experience.