A BLOCK: Safe driving takes a clear head, a steady hand and good reactions. Unfortunately, you don’t have any of those if you’re driving impaired. That’s why the subject of this year’s SADD Driving Skills 101 PSA Contest, sponsored by the NRSF, is the dangerous of driving after using marijuana. In part 1 of our report, we meet the winner of the contest and see how she turns her winning idea into an actual PSA.

B BLOCK: In part two of our report on the Driving Skills 101 PSA Contest, we see the PSA make its debut at the annual SADD National Conference, which after a two-year hiatus, due to COVID, is back in person at a special place.

C BLOCK: In this report sponsored by News Media Group, lifestyle expert Carley Knobloch, gives us some insight on some technology that could make your new school year easier.

D BLOCK: In Word Wise, Veronique tells us how the word ESCAPE came to be.

When it comes to getting good grades, the difference isn’t always black and white. Dean explains in this week’s Study Tip.

And we have some more back to school shopping ideas from Amazon.

E BLOCK: Emily introduces us to another Rising Star, Neska Rose is a talent actor and musician.

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Launching its 21st year on the air, the Emmy award-winning, weekly half-hour program is seen across the country on more than 160 TV stations and seen around the world on the American Forces Network. In addition, educational TV channels bring TKN to districts with 10,000 schools and some 9-million students.

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6 months ago

This JUST in...use this link to VOTE for your favorite The National Road Safety Foundation Drive Safe Chicago PSA!!! m.shortstack.page/czxW13 ... See MoreSee Less
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6 months ago

It's time to vote for your favorite The National Road Safety Foundation Drive Safe Chicago PSA! You can vote here, once per day: m.shortstack.page/czxW13 ... See MoreSee Less
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6 months ago

One of three PSAs you can vote on! All three The National Road Safety Foundation PSAs will be an upcoming show with a behind-the-scenes story about how they were made! ... See MoreSee Less
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6 months ago

One of three PSAs you can vote on! All three The National Road Safety Foundation PSAs will be an upcoming show with a behind-the-scenes story about how they were made! ... See MoreSee Less
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6 months ago

One of three PSAs you can vote on! All three @ The National Road Safety Foundation PSAs will be an upcoming show with a behind-the-scenes story about how they were made! ... See MoreSee Less
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