If you’re planning to go to college, chances are you’ll be taking one of the standardized tests – either the S.A.T. or the A.C.T. But which one is better?
Category - Season 22
Expert advice on what sets the S.A.T. or the A.C.T. apart. Classical music. JK Rowling. A likability tip. How to make a unique burger.
If you’ve ever wanted to pursue a career in the arts, you’ll want to see our three-part special report on YoungArts, an organization that can literally change lives.
A report on YoungArts, an organization that can literally change lives. Help with schoolwork. Memorizing Pi to the 70-thousandth decimal! Also... Arabic numerals, silk in China, and American Cheese...
It’s a word we’ve been hearing a lot about these days: democracy. Alexandra explains why it’s particularly important now.
Tech Lifestyle Expert Carley Knobloch has some ideas on how to keep you connected this school year.
Who better to send a message to teens about safe driving than other teens. That’s why the NRSF sponsors an annual contest with one of the largest student groups in the country, FCCLA.
Why the word "democracy" is particularly important now. Walt Disney’s incredible success. Son of a Saint. Preparing for a job interview. Arabic Numerals and fun with Froot Loops.
There’s an old saying that children should be seen, but not heard. That disturbing comment traces its origin way back to the 15th century. Fortunately, a lot has changed since then.
The rights of children. Theodore Geisel, better known as Dr. Seuss. Steve Jobs and stress. The NRSF sponsors and FCCLA sponsor a contest. Influences on the college experience. Fireflies or lightening...
It’s probably the biggest decision teens will make before they are adults: what path to pursue after high school. Our report presents career opportunities many teens might not be aware of.
We meet Elaina Stuppler from Portland, OR. She plays the violin, trombone, sings and she’s an award-wining composer!
We meet two members of the National Children's Chorus, Kiran from TX and Athena from CT and find out what makes it such a special experience.
We meet Elaina Stuppler, an award-wining composer! The Gender Gap. Steven Spielberg. Shopping by boat in Thailand. Are French fries really French!?
We meet two members of the National Children’s Chorus. Thomas Edison, good news about chocolate and tooth decay, family vacations and college, color's role in Chinese culture, how the Kangaroo got...