Adriana Zhang saw a need in her community and created an organization to help fulfill it. The stress many teens often face. An “expensive” planet. How Katy Perry became a pop star. So much to see in...
Author - Team TKN
Launching its 21st year on the air, the Emmy award-winning, weekly half-hour program is seen across the country on more than 160 TV stations and seen around the world on the American Forces Network. In addition, educational TV channels bring TKN to districts with 10,000 schools and some 9-million students.
Over the past few years there have been a number of changes in what colleges are expecting from students applying for admission. When it comes to the ACT and SAT, some of the changes are changing –...
We go behind the scenes with a group of students at Hartford Connecticut’s Weaver HS who got a crash course on preventing crashes – by creating a PSA in English and Spanish.
The holiday shopping season has officially begun. Evette Rios has some ideas you may want to add to your list.
College admission testing and the ACT and SAT. A group of students at Hartford Connecticut’s Weaver HS create a safe driving PSA in English and Spanish. States and their official state sports.
We visit Weaver HS in Hartford, CT to record a winning PSA sponsored by the National Road Safety Foundation.
We visit Weaver HS in Hartford, CT to record a winning PSA. The science behind eternal youth. A cure for a life-threatening illness. Advice on being a better leader. Sylvestor Stallone’s “rocky” road...
We’ve been reporting on the need to raise awareness about human rights. Especially the rights of children. As Alexandra reports, it’s a struggle that’s run into opposition from an unlikely source.
Raising awareness about human rights... especially the rights of children. Steve Jobs didn’t give up. An extraordinary jellyfish. Meet our 13 year-old “Rising Star,” Piper Connolly. The 100 Years War...
For many teens, the difference between being able to attend college – or not – comes down to five letters... FAFSA, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid.