A famous person once said that some people see things as they are and ask why? And others dream of things that never were and ask: why not? That pretty much describes the philosophy of the teen Alexandra is about to introduce us to. Adriana Zhang saw a need in her community and created an organization to help fulfill it.
Christin has a “Make the Grade” report to help through the stress many teens often face.
Brendan tells us about and “expensive” planet. 55 Canri-e is more than two times larger than Earth and scientists believe a third of the planet might be a huge diamond!
In “If At Frist You Don’t Succeed” Emily tells us how Katy Perry grew up and into her success as a pop star.
You might be surprised to find out that something teens do pretty regularly kills more people than sharks.
Whether from drinking alcohol or using any type of drugs, driving “under the influence” is dangerous. And the National Road Safety Foundation wants you to remember that.
It’s part of Italy – and yet it’s its own world. It even has its own language. Ava shows us that there truly so much to see in Sicily.
Squeezing the juice out of a lemon can sometimes be a bit tough. Well Katie is back in the kitchen with a tip on how to make it easy!
Reese tells us about the unique way the inventor of Pringles chips insisted on being buried.
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