If you’re planning to go to college, chances are you’ll be taking one of the standardized tests – either the S.A.T. or the A.C.T. But which one is better? We get advice from our college expert Rob Franek and our reporter Benjamin finds out more about what sets these two tests apart.
The NRSF brings us an important reminder when driving: share the road with bikers and pedestrians.
No question, classical music has long been recognized as one of society’s greatest achievements. However, in recent years it’s become increasingly clear that classical music – as well as many other art forms – have a way to go to truly reflect society. Ava tells us about an organization that is working to break down barriers.
Success doesn’t always come easy and without failure. In this week’s “If At Frist” Emily tells us what JK Rowling had to endure before the magic happened.
Ava has a tip that could make you more likeable whether on a date or with friends.
Katie is in the kitchen with a neat trick on how to make a unique burger.
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