If you’re thinking about going to college there’s certainly a lot to think about. Academics, location, size, reputation, cost – and that’s just for starters. But as Ava tells us, there’s another consideration that is becoming increasingly important – how “green” a school is.

In part two of our report on Green Colleges, we find out what the top three “green” schools in the country are, according to the Princeton Review.

Reed shows us an easier way to calculate how much you’re spending while shopping.

Christin’s “Make the Grade” report offers advice on how to deal with a MELTDOWN.

Olivia takes us shopping, Jordanian style in our Jordan Journal.

“Art Smart” is about an art style created by artist Piet Mondrian. Called Neoplasticism it uses the three primary colors and black lines on a white background.

As the driver of a vehicle, you have a lot of responsibilities. Following traffic laws, sharing the road, and of course not doing anything that will be distracting. As a passenger you ALSO have a responsibility. If you feel the driver is not driving responsibly you should SPEAK UP. As a reminder, check out this short video from the National Road Safety Foundation.

News for teens, delivered by teens, is the mission of Teen Kids News. During our 20th Anniversary season, we hear from former members of our team with advice for being on Teen Kids News.

Reese explains why if you want to maintain a healthy weight – all you might need to do is… wait.

Benjamin tells us about an extremely rare and valuable stamp.

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Launching its 21st year on the air, the Emmy award-winning, weekly half-hour program is seen across the country on more than 160 TV stations and seen around the world on the American Forces Network. In addition, educational TV channels bring TKN to districts with 10,000 schools and some 9-million students.

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1 years ago

This JUST in...use this link to VOTE for your favorite The National Road Safety Foundation Drive Safe Chicago PSA!!! m.shortstack.page/czxW13 ... See MoreSee Less
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1 years ago

It's time to vote for your favorite The National Road Safety Foundation Drive Safe Chicago PSA! You can vote here, once per day: m.shortstack.page/czxW13 ... See MoreSee Less
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