A BLOCK: It’s time to meet the winner of the annual National Road Safety Foundation Drive2Life PSA Contest. Sydney, from Las Vegas, Nevada came up with the winning idea for a PSA about Pedestrian and Bicycle safety, by mixing the old with the new.

B BLOCK: There are many ways to invest money. The two most common are stocks and bonds. In our “Money Smarts 101” report, Sebastian learns about the difference.

William’s “Art Smart” report tells us about the battle between red and blue in the art world.

C BLOCK: In “Word Wise” Christin explains how during WWI military tanks got their name.

Dean is back with more great “Study Tips”.

Anouska explains the connection between doing artwork and reducing stress.

D BLOCK: In her “Vive la France” report, Emily tells us about a specially adapted railroad car played a role in both World Wars.

Blake tells us how someone tried to sell the country of New Zealand on eBay!

E BLOCK: We’re back in the kitchen with Gene’e and she’ll show us an easy recipe that will impress your family and friends.

Team TKN

Launching its 21st year on the air, the Emmy award-winning, weekly half-hour program is seen across the country on more than 160 TV stations and seen around the world on the American Forces Network. In addition, educational TV channels bring TKN to districts with 10,000 schools and some 9-million students.

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1 years ago

This JUST in...use this link to VOTE for your favorite The National Road Safety Foundation Drive Safe Chicago PSA!!! m.shortstack.page/czxW13 ... See MoreSee Less
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1 years ago

It's time to vote for your favorite The National Road Safety Foundation Drive Safe Chicago PSA! You can vote here, once per day: m.shortstack.page/czxW13 ... See MoreSee Less
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