A report on the environmental dangers posed by oil. Abraham Lincoln faced numerous failures during his early life. Why Hawaiian pizza isn’t from Hawaii. Fascinating mosaics from the days of the Roman...
Author - Team TKN
Launching its 21st year on the air, the Emmy award-winning, weekly half-hour program is seen across the country on more than 160 TV stations and seen around the world on the American Forces Network. In addition, educational TV channels bring TKN to districts with 10,000 schools and some 9-million students.
Benjamin tells us how the fear of war ended up creating a test, thousands of high school students take every year – the Advanced Placement Exam. And we find out now, AP exams are changing.
Details on how teens across the country can enter the annual Drive 2 Life PSA contest, sponsored by the National Road Safety Foundation. This year’s topic is sharing the road.
AP exams are changing. The annual Drive 2 Life PSA contest. Why your fingernails may look longer. Lady Gaga’s initial failures didn’t hold her back. Favorite instruments to learn how to play. How to...
Movies like Jaws and the Meg make sharks look like bloodthirsty predators constantly on the hunt for human victims. But as you’ll see from our report, sharks are getting a bad rap.
Sharks are getting a bad rap. How Beyonce didn’t let initial failures stop her. Molten rain and life on other planets. The deadliest creature on Earth. See ancient Greek ruins... in Sicily! Also...
The National Road Safety Foundation wants passengers in vehicles to remember that they have a responsibility to speak up if a driver is being unsafe, so they sponsored this short video.
Ava is back with another Seeing Sicily report, except this one should be called Tasting Sicily as we explore the foods of Sicily.
It’s been said that one picture is worth a thousand words. For this next report, we want to change that to one picture is worth a thousand fish. Alexandra explains in her report about a teen who’s...
A teen who’s made it his artistic mission to save our salmon! Author Stephen King. How to write a killer essay. Tasting the foods of Sicily. How the funny bone got its name.